Posts Tagged wizard world

Wizard World Recap!

Thursday Things I Dig is going to be replaced with a recap of Wizard World Comic Con which was in Toronto last weekend! Oh man, so many good times… where do I start! Well, it was really great to meet a lot of Twitter pals in person! That was definitely a highlight for me, being able to put faces to some names! It was also amazing to make so many new pals, and might I say that the guests and fellow vendors at this particular show were among the nicest, most supportive and friendliest group I’ve ever encountered! I received so much love and positivity over the full 2 days, I honestly felt like I was in heaven – oh yah, that combined with the fact that I got to meet THE HONKY TONK MAN!!! He is an 80’s wrestler that looks like Elvis… AMAZING. He told me that we made a great couple, and I think he might be right (I’m the one on the left)… judge for yourself. (I did this for you, mom!)

I didn’t really get to leave my table unfortunately, I was solo for the weekend, but I was lucky to have a very good friend of mine let me borrow her mom on Saturday afternoon – she brought me cookies and tea and sat beside me and knitted while I sewed – it was pretty fantastic. We totally bonded and there was lots of talk about cute boys and also we hugged a lot. (Don’t be jealous, Heather, your mom still loves you more!)

Here’s my table set up! The most epic one yet!

I was also asked to do 2 interviews! AHH! So my interview skills may be lacking, but I’ve only ever done 2 before in my life so I’m allowed to be a little awkward. Mostly we talked about mustaches. I promise I’ll work on some better material and work in some ‘stache jokes for the next ones… Anyway, one interview was done by MEGASHAUN from The Electric Playground – he is one of the nicest, hippest dudes, pretty much in the world. It was pretty impossible to say no to an interview with him. I promise to share if it’s not terribly embarrassing ๐Ÿ™‚

The second was for Get Your Geek On! by KStew, which will be airing thisย Sunday, April 22 from 7pm – 10pm. I’m very excited to check it out! It was a pleasure to meet this lovely and fun lady!!! ๐Ÿ˜€

I also want to give a shout out to a few other fantastic peeps!

  • My show neighbours, who were fantastic table sitters when it was time for a pee break – also fun to chat with during slow times! (There weren’t too many!) Ink’d Well Comics

  • My new pal Niki from Peachy Keen Pets. Her and I are plotting some world domination type stuff for future cons… I will keep you posted!
  • The fantastic artist, and well dressed gentleman, Adam Tupper (below)

AND I CAN’T FORGET MY AMAZING MUSTACHE FANS!!!! I HEART YOU ALL SO MUCH! (Check out my entire mustache fan album on Facebook!)

Thanks to everyone who stopped by and can’t wait until the next one! Well, the next show is not a con, but an outdoor market called First Sunday Stroll in Fonthill on June 3rd… super stoked! Come visit me – bring tea & cookies!

xoxox Lisa

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Just some stuff…

Man, I wish I had a theme song for Thursday Things I Dig! Alas, we will have to suffer through another weekly post together, without one. And if anyone wants to make me a jingle and donate it to my blog, please feel free ๐Ÿ™‚

Another busy week! Aren’t they all? I have a show this weekend, Wizard World Comic Con in the ol’ T-dot so I’m excited for that, and then I am taking a month off of shows for some personal time, to build… and a trip to Europe! Which leads me into my Thursday Things I Dig!

1. LONDON IS BOOKED! I will be heading over to England in May with some peeps for a wee vacation! I also have a friend in Scotland that I am hoping to meet up with while I am over there, though I don’t have a whole lot of time. I’ve never been, so I am pretty excited! Naturally, I’ve already scoped out the best affordable vintage shopping areas. I like to buy a dress every time I visit some place new, so I’m excited to share what I find in London when I return.

2. WIZARD WORLD Comic Con this weekend! Here’s a little sneak peak at my set up. I hope it’s a good show, I remember the past few years have been great and I have a nice full 8′ table all to myself this time around, so my expectations are high! But not too high. You never know how it could turn out. Anyway, I have a table companion on Sunday, but will be solo on Saturday so am a little nervous about what to do when I need a pee break! Haha. Feel free to come visit me, and please offer to watch my booth so I can pee? ๐Ÿ™‚

3. I acquired this super sweet vintage sewing basket over the long weekend. It used to belong to my grandma, and when I was up North visiting my parents my mom passed it my way! It’s even filled with tons of thread and needles and other good stuff!

4. I watched an amazing documentary on Kevin Clash, the puppeteer behind Elmo. His story was so inspirational and made me feel like a kid again, in that I can do anything I want, and be anything I want to be. It was awesome. Also working at the Jim Henson studios, making puppets and having access to drawers full of fur, mustaches, eyes, etc… INCREDIBLE. What a dream. I want to be Kevin Clash.

5. Someone sent me this via Twitter earlier this week: COWBOY COMB and it is easily one of the coolest things I’ve ever seen. Particularly the gold one, for only $100. If only I had a ‘stache, I would buy it up in a second. But since I don’t, someone also shared this Build-A-Beard with me, downloadable and cut-out-able beards! This will just have suffice for now.

6. What is this I found? Tetley PERK? A new tea that claims to have all the caffeine content of a coffee? I’m excited to test it out tomorrow morning.

7. Oh, and last fun thing, I received a happy button testimonial from a fantastic customer AND SUPER COOL COMEDIAN who you should check out, Fat Apollo, celebrity:
“Got my buttons! Easily the best I have ever ordered!”

THE BEST!?!? From me? Celebrity endorsed? Well okay, I’ll accept it. And appreciate the feedback. Thanks to Mr. Apollo who gave me permission to use his awesome quote ๐Ÿ™‚

I guess that’s it! I have to run off and do some last minute crafting to top up my stock before the show this weekend. Here’s hoping it’s a good one! You can follow my live show posts on Facebook or Twitter ๐Ÿ™‚

xoxo Lisa

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Cool Crap From This Week!

Hey guys! HAPPY LONG WEEKEND AHEAD! I am so stoked for an extra day of nerdbiskiting! So excited in fact, that I opted out of a nap to do this blog and make buttons and wrap up at Etsy order… I heart having 2 full time jobs! NO TIME TO REST! Surviving off caffeine! I am definitely going to burn out sooner or later… just wait for it. My head may explode. Don’t worry, I’ll take photos and blog about it when it happens…

Here are some things I dig this week:

1. LONG WEEKEND!!! WOO! I am driving a few hours up North(ish) to visit the fam jam. And will be hitting up a few of my fave vintage stores in Sauble Beach while I’m there! New dresses coming up!

2. I received a weekly set of mustaches in the mail as a thank you from my previous guest blogger, Sabrina. She is the best! As if the ‘staches weren’t awesome enough, her book, The Healer, arrived the very next day. It’s in my to-read pile! I was pretty excited that these staches arrived just in time for my April Stache-A-Thon campaign! All you have to do is LIKE me on Facebook and post a photo of a stache. Any stache. You wearing it, or a celebrity, or a mustache item… whatever! Do it and you can win $20 worth of merch from my Etsy shop! Here is some mustache inspiration for you:

I was also able to work a mustache into our “photo day” at work. Which is a corporate head office. So this is a major accomplishment very much deserving of recognition! ๐Ÿ™‚ *proud*

3. Exciting news: (at least for me!) I’ve been asked to illustrate 2 children’s books. One is about a dragon and a flea, the other a squirrel and a pumpkin patch… I AM SO STOKED. I haven’t exercised my book illustration skills in a while! It is a lot more work than designing my next character for a button, tee, or tote bag BUT I’m sure I can skip out on a show or two to make time. It’s something I absolutely have to do!

4. My new promos are ready to send along to First Sunday Stroll! They’re going to be included in some swag bags ๐Ÿ˜€

5.ย  This story about how Ryan Gosling saved a woman’s life absolutely made my week. What a hero. And a real human being! โค I just sent a Gosling bottle opener over to Finland so he is definitely loved by ladies around the world! AND HE MIGHT EVEN SAVE YOUR LIFE. Gosling to the rescue!

6. Heather from Needlings and I discovered the most delicious chai lattes last night on our tea date! If you’re in Hamilton, visit The Bean Bar and get it in ya! So tasty.

Ok, that’s it, now I am off to enjoy my long weekend with lots of sewing for the next show on April 14 & 15, Wizard World Comic Con! I promise I will take a break. Probably even tonight, to go see The Hunger Games!

Have a good one pals!

xoxoxo Lisa

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