Posts Tagged artist

Thirty Before 30 Update!

Hi friends! Since I recently turned 29, I decided that I should revisit my “30 before 30 list” which I posted last year, to see if I’ve kept on track and if perhaps I should make any edits… since I only have a year left to go! Eep! I can definitely say that I am not too worried or anxious about turning 30, as a lot of people are. My late twenties have been the happiest time of my life – I’ve taken some big risks, made many tough decisions – all which have led me down the right path and have just let things fall into place naturally! (As lame as that sounds!!!) I love my new home, my full time design job, my crafting bizz, my friends and family… everything is just peachy ❤ I can’t think of anything that I’d like to change… well, maybe I could use a bigger craft room… and a few more cats…. maybe some bigger sunglasses… haha! But that’s about it 🙂


Happy pants!!!!

Of course life isn’t always filled with sunflowers and blue skies. There have been some rough patches – horrible jobs, health problems (insomnia and stress!), family issues (there was a cancer scare with my pops!), relationship struggles  – but I guess it wouldn’t be much of a life without a few obstacles to overcome along the way, and to learn and grow from each experience in a positive manner!

I think I’ve really “found myself” or whatever over the past year or so. Or at least found out more about what makes me happy, and what my beliefs and core values are. It’s such a good feeling to have! I hope everyone finds it eventually! 😀

Whoa, it’s getting a little deep here! Let’s revisit that list before I start getting even more intense! 😉
My 30 Things To Do/Accomplish Before I Turn 30

  1. Buy a new car (preferably in lime green.) STILL WORKING ON THIS ONE!
  2. Save enough money for a down payment on a house (after I buy my new car.) Still saving, almost there!
  3. Keep up with a minimum of a dozen craft shows/expos per year. This has changed slightly – I have been doing less shows due to lots more custom orders!
  4. Start selling nerdbiskit in stores – at least 2 or 3! Haven’t looked into this as an option… custom orders and shows keep me busy enough!
  5. Travel to Europe. (Hopefully checking this off the list this May!) DONE! Went to London last May!
  6. Road trip to BC. Possibly next fall, so in my 30th year…
  8. Do something awesome for my parents. Send them on vacation somewhere nice. We just spoke about this today! Waiting for Bobblez to heal from his surgery and they will be planning their trip ASAP!
  9. Develop a campaign via nerdbiskit to raise money for my friend’s little bro’s MS charity – most likely involving mustaches. Yep, did this last year and donated part of my 2011 mustache sales!
  10. Seek out more bulk button, keychain & t-shirt orders – figure out how and where to advertise this service! Did some advertising in Missy Ink magazine, and have been getting tons of orders!
  11. Learn how to sew my own dresses and/or skirts. MADE A SKIRT! Dress up next!
  12. Stuff and cook a turkey – Host Thanksgiving dinner! This year!
  13. Start liking/eating fish. (I’m already half way there.) DONE!
  14. Make some new life-long friends (why not? you can never have too many gfs.) Made some new friends, hopefully they will be lifers 🙂
  15. Further my design career. Yep! Got a new job with a design studio and working on my folio!
  16. Put a ring on it. Working on it…
  17. Create some new products to sell for nerdbiskit. YEP! Plush taco pillows!
  18. Find more ways to relax – need to kick this nervous energy & worrying! I have been relatively stress-free for almost a year now!!!! All thanks to some job changes and living arrangements 🙂
  19. Go to a concert – I haven’t been to one in a few years. Went to some free outdoor ones.
  20. Organize/host my own craft show or event. Start a club of some sorts. Hosted a few “Crafternoons” at my place, invited some new crafty ladies to join!
  21. Make more connections at shows or via social media. Always!
  22. Win the lottery. Not yet…
  23. Start illustrating and/or writing a children’s book. Collaborated effort, perhaps? Bah, haven’t had time…
  24. Get back into collaging! Enter a collage piece into American Illustration. Again… timing issues…
  25. Design a website for nerdbiskit. DONE!
  26. Find more one of a kind vintage pieces for my home and redecorate so it’s less Ikea catalogue! I’d also like to paint a wall lime green! Found cool pieces, still need to paint a wall green though!
  27. Learn more about wine and go on a vineyard tour. Vineyard tour planned for this fall!!!
  28. Take a class – life drawing, yoga, small business, marketing, French or web design! NOT YET, but I did find one I’m interested in.
  29. Quit bad habits. (One in particular!!!!) IN PROGRESS
  30. Take over the world with nerdbiskit (or at least be much closer to world domination.) Always!

Hmmm, well I’d say I’m pretty well on track with this after all! I think I’ll add a few more goals:
–  Exercise more!

–  Start a collection (Vintage tea pots? Creepy cat ornaments?)

– Learn to say NO more often, I don’t have to please everyone!

That’s it for now! I’ll revisit this again after my big 3-0 birthday! 😀

Ok back to sewing for me! Hope you’re all having a lovely summer!

xo Lisa

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July Fever

Happy Summer! Hope you’re all enjoying the sun and the heat! We just got over a bit of a heat wave here in Southern Ontario, and I’ve been loving every minute of it – I’d rather be hot than cold and shivering any day! July is my most favourite month of all, and I even took a break from doing shows to free up a little time to enjoy it, (before the mad rush of prep in August for FanExpo.)

It’s also my month in the ol’ “Hot Chicks With Mustaches” calendar! Exciting!


I love shows, but it’s been nice to have none to fuss over since Heirlooms in June – which is a show I haven’t yet posted about yet, ahh! So behind. Here it is then! My lovely friend Heather of Needlings was set up right next to me for the day, which we spent mostly fanning ourselves with make shift paper fans (since we were set up inside a greenhouse!) It was definitely a lovely setting! (I blame the humidity for the extra than normal volume in that coif of mine!)


The rest of June was spent working on custom orders, mostly gifts and favours for weddings. I can share a few with you that have already been received, but the others will have to wait! First is a custom portrait tote bag with the couples nicknames, “Jags” and “Grotes:”


And then this mirror (for her) and bottle opener keychain (for him) wedding set:


Hmmm what else have I been up to… well, this past weekend I took a bike ride down to the local Farmer’s Market for some fresh goods and sunflowers ❤ Sunflowers=summer! Every time I walk or bike around with a bouquet of them, people always stop to chat with me or comment on “how summery I look.” It’s super cute! I’ve got a vase of sunflowers in almost every room of the house now. It really brightens up the place, and makes everything just that much cheerier!



I also celebrated my 29th birthday 2 weekends ago! The man friend and I have the same birthday (super weird, I know) so we rented out the top floor of an old British pub for a combined celebration. We also had a few people over to our place first (I love hosting!) for some drinks and snacks! Anyway, it was lots of fun! I was totally spoiled this year, with gifts of wine, mustaches, cat related stuff, and a new dress!


It was nice that so many pals came out to celebrate with us ❤ Here’s me and a few of the nicest gals. I’m the luckiest 🙂


My sweet sweet dear friend Heather of Needlings made me this look-alike plush ‘biskit doll! It’s me in my ‘biskit show outfit! And the size of my hair is pretty accurate! I love lisadoll to pieces and am slightly obsessed with her. (She’s actually sitting next to me as I type this.)


There’s a whole album dedicated to lisadoll here in case you want to see her close up!

Speaking of sweet gifts, I also received this custom ‘biskit mug (top right) from my friends over at Crock A Doodle Paint Your Own Pottery Studios! So sweet! 😀 I use it every day!


Anyway, that’s about it for now!I will be at the James North Art Crawl in Hamilton on August 9th from 7-11 (out front of Christ’s Church Cathedral, 252 James), then FanExpo from August 22-25!!!

Have a great week everyone! I’ve got some time off from July 26th until August 6th, and I’ve got my dad’s birthday to celebrate, a wedding to attend, lots of restocking to do, and hopefully I can fit in a beach day or two! It’s going to be jam packed! Can’t wait!
xo Lisa

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May Madness

Hi guys! Happy almost long weekend ahead! Mine is going to be pretty crazy since I’m moving on Saturday – but at least I’ll have the extra day off on Monday to get unpacked and settled 🙂 I’m excited about the new place, but am totally going to miss my sweet retro townie. It’s all big and lonely here though, I have one bedroom entirely empty (save a spare litter box for the kitties), and a big dark empty basement full of spiders… so although the new place will be quite small in comparison, it will be cozy and adorable, still super retro (I have a pantry!) and much less lonely, since my bf will be moving in, too. We bought a mustard yellow corduroy couch last night, which got me a little too excited about decorating and scouring antique and thrift stores for some cool finds.

Anyway, I’ve been busier than usual – since I had to fit packing into the mix – plus the usual custom orders and restocking. One of the custom requests I worked on was a Dr. Who themed custom portrait pillow for a geek wedding:


I also had a show, Art-O-Con, in Burlington on May 5th which was a blast! There were a lot of familiar faces and I made a few new con-going pals, too. Even Boba Fett stopped by to say hi, and of course to try on a mustache:


I have to give a shout out to the incredible Lara from Jaded Dragon Studios for doing such a great job of organizing the show, and just for being generally fantastic!

The ever awesome KStew & JStew interviewed me during the con – you can have a listen here: interview. Mostly I just giggle a lot. Oops. Silly nerves.

Their adorable daughter drew me my very first piece of fan art, too! Incredibly sweet and awesome. Nerdbiskit as a pony! ❤ And staches everywhere! Perfect.


I made myself a nerdbiskit skirt for the show, with some custom made fabric printed by Spoonflower! It was pretty easy to make, nothing too fancy. Next I want to make a ‘biskit dress! 😀


Amongst the busy-ness, I managed to squeeze in a visit to High Park in Toronto to see the cherry blossoms! They were absolutely beautiful, and a friend and I had a lovely dinner picnic under one of the trees. It was sad to see so many people shaking the branches just to make the blossoms fall off, and I heard people were climbing them and breaking off branches, too. Other than this lack of respect shown by a lot of the visitors (at least the ones we encountered), the park and the trees were incredible. Can’t wait to visit them again next year!


I also cut off my hair!!! I’ve been wanting to do it for a few years but always chicken out. I finally just had to let it go – and it was totally fine! I like it, but am still learning how to style it. It’s a lot more maintenance than my old scenester ‘do was! So far I’ve only experimented with curls and a 60’s flip … but it’s already proven to be a lot more versatile than before 🙂



So many changes this month! Haircuts, moving… okay so really only two changes. But they are big ones! At least for me they are!

My next show will be Craftstock in Hamilton on Saturday, June 1st, and then Heirlooms on Saturday, June 15th. It’s going to be a lovely handmade market filled with awesome vendors, and situated in a greenhouse – so it’ll be beautiful AND fun AND crafty! A lovely way to kick off the summer show season!

Okay that’s it from me! Just as a heads up, my Etsy shop is closed until May 24, and I won’t be accepting any rush or custom orders until June – taking some time off due to the move. Thanks for your understanding!

xoxo Lisa

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Spring is… not quite in the air. But tacos are!

Hi guys! Hope everyone had a fun and safe St. Patty’s day! 🙂 I was out of commission last week after Toronto ComiCON due to a stomach flu (it was terrible! I hope none of you get it!) so wasn’t able to get much work done. I suppose I needed a bit of a rest anyway, but could have done without the sickness part. Anyway, I recovered fairly quickly and have been back to work with lots of custom orders (bulk buttons, and portrait pillows – here’s the one I’m working on currently:)


I decided to take April off of shows to make sure I stay on top of all this work, plus I have a ton of re-stocking to do from the con… annnnnd because of some other exciting news, but I don’t want to share just yet until it’s confirmed. My lips are sealed! At least until next time 😉

I mentioned in my last blog that I would share the podcast interview I had with Guys With Pencils, which you can have a listen to here. We talk about cats, mustaches, cons, and other fun stuff! It was a blast catching up with these guys, and their podcast is awesome… if you haven’t already, be sure to check ’em out! They’ve been featured in the top 3 spot of iTunes “New and Noteworthy” podcasts, and even if you don’t listen to my interview, they’re got an amazing assortment of talented animators, cartoonists, illustrators, etc. to chose from.

I guess I should also fill you in on Toronto ComiCON where I was on March 9 & 10. It was a pretty typical convention, full of many familiar faces and fantastic energy! Always a fun time! I tested out a new booth set up which allowed me for some “face space” since I’m usually hidden behind my epic display. I got a lot of compliments on this one, so I think I’ll stick with it for a little while longer:


I also got a lot of compliments on how my outfits matched my branding, which I thought was subtle but was apparently super obvious! 🙂 I like it though. I’m going to get myself a ‘biskit patterned dress soon! Just you wait. I have also been keeping my eye out for a nerdbiskit green pencil skirt – if you see one be sure to let me know!


I was lucky enough to have myself a lovely assistant on Saturday, thanks to Miss Jenny 🙂 It’s always wonderful to have a companion and someone to help set up, and find tea! ❤


I took plenty of mustache photos, which can be seen in my facebook mustache fan album and acquired a few new catnip toy kitty fans, too! I sold out of catnip tacos, so will be busy stocking those up over the next few weeks.


And my fleece tacos were a big hit, too! This was the first major show I’ve had them at, so I was pretty excited about how people were responding to them. I sold out of those too, so I guess taco making is my number 1 priority over the next month!


My con highlight was when Ajay from InnerSPACE (via Space Channel) stopped by my booth and chose it as his favourite – mostly because of his love for tacos. Check out the video of him snuggling one of my fleece taco pillows here. You can see me lurking in the background (around 3:08)…

Next up on the show list is Art-O-Con in Burlington on Sunday, May 5th. It’ll be a new show for me this year, but will be filled with plenty of vendor pals so I’m sure it’ll be a good time. Hosted by my awesome pal Lara of Jaded Dragon Studios, who looks dashing in a mustache (below):


Also, if anyone reading this knows someone with a shop down on James Street North in Hamilton that wouldn’t mind having me set up out front for the July & August Art Crawls, please get in touch with me! 🙂

One last thing before I go, if you haven’t already, head on over to Okay, Allison’s awesome blog to read a feature on yours truly, and also enter for a chance to win some mustache merch (made by me!)

Okay that’s it from me! I’m off to have tea with one of my favourite crafty ladies!

xoxoxo Lisa

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The summer of nerdbiskit-ing comes to an end!

Well folks, looks like the summer of nerdbiskit-ing has come to an end. What a busy few months it has been, with so many amazing shows, and my busiest year yet with Etsy sales and custom orders! I was so lucky to have been able to take 5 months off of work to freelance and craft full time – not everyone gets to do that. And it was absolutely wonderful! But alas, it is time to head back to the working world and I have found myself a new design job. Timing seems to have worked out perfectly, since shows are winding down now until Spring (there will be a few Christmas shows in December, but nothing major.) And I’ll have plenty of time for custom orders and restocking over the winter months. It’ll be good to try something new – I’m nervous and excited… (and I start tomorrow, so wish me luck!)

My last post was right before FanExpo, so I guess I should start with that. Perhaps I am getting too old for these 4 day conventions, but it was absolutely exhausting! Tons of fun, of course, but I was totally wiped by the end. At least there were lots of exciting moments, caffeine, plenty of visitors and pals and awkward over the table hugs to keep me going. I was pretty disappointed that I didn’t get to meet Gillian Anderson – I waited for her for almost an hour! Luckily my friend Kelsey dressed up as Scully for me on Sunday, which was even better than the real deal, because she even wore a MUSTACHE!

This was my table set up – smallest one of the year! It was jam packed, but I made it work best I could:

And here is me, doing what I do best (standing awkwardly behind my table):

Luckily my lovely friend Heather from Needlings was in the same table grouping, so I was able to visit with her during any down time – look at the two of us, so pattern-y and colourful 🙂 She was so awesome and watched my booth when I needed a pee break! I am so grateful for her existence! ❤

After FanExpo, I had only 2 weeks to prepare for the next big show: Locke Street Festival in Hamilton. This was my third year participating, and I look forward to it every time. It started off a little shaky, with a forecast for 100% rain all day – but by noon the skies cleared, the people came out, and everything turned out to be amazing! I am so glad I set up in the rain that morning and stuck it out – well worth it!

I didn’t get too many photos because it was so busy, but here is my booth in the morning before the rush – only set up at half capacity because of the rain. I was completely cleaned out of mustaches by the end of the day!!!

And then next up, with less than a week to prepare, was Supercrawl – another Hamilton event, which keeps getting bigger and more awesome each year. I had no idea what I was in for, and was totally unprepared for the 70,000 people who passed by on Friday night and Saturday. I can honestly say, this was by far the busiest and best show of 2012 – perfect way to end the show season! I had to shut down the “make-your-own-button” station after Friday night, and was sold out most items by early Saturday evening. It got pretty insane! AND I LOVED EVERY MINUTE!

On Friday night I was lucky enough to have a helper taking care of regular sales while I worked the button station – look at her, expertly folding those tees! Thank you, Miss Tea!

And Saturday, I had a whole posse helping me out. Miss Tea even came back for MORE, bless her soul.

Of course every one of them left by the time it got super crazy on Saturday evening. Haha! I still love them all. And no worries, my parents came by later to save the day, with plenty of snacks, and helped me stick it out until midnight!

Man, I love doing shows.

Since then, I’ve been ordering lots of supplies, re-stocking my empty displays, and taking a bit of a break until the holiday shows start up. Oh, I also took a famjam trip over to BC – it was nice to have a quick getaway before I head back to the working world! And also to rest my arms and wrists, which have been so overworked with all these crazy shows. Nice to have a bit of a break 🙂

Anyway, I will post pictures from BC in my next blog.

Hope all you Canadian friends had a fantastic Thanksgiving weekend!


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Oh my BLOG, it’s a guest post by Freelance Illustrator, Vicki Nerino!

Freelance Illustrator & Pervert, Miss Vicki Nerino

What to say about this woman… where do I even start?! I remember when I first laid eyes on Vicki during my first year of college – her wild coif blowing in the breeze as she rushed down the hallway to catch her bus – I thought to myself, I will drink, laugh and tell inappropriate jokes with that woman one day. Not long after, we bonded over 90’s nu-metal, being born in Thunder Bay, David Duchovny, potty humor, making people laugh (or at least each other), and of course art and illustration! There have been many good times shared with this woman since then, so naturally I am excited to feature her and her incredible work on my blog. As hilarious and vile as her illustrations and comics can be, they are also extremely creative, original and even BEAUTIFUL! I’m sure she will hate to hear that, but yes, they are oozing of mad, gooey talent… among many other kinds of fluids…

So, what’s the skinny?

Vicki: My name is Vicki Nerino. I was born and raised in the deep snowbanks of North-Western Ontario. When I wasn’t fighting bears and riding elk, I was painting boobies on cave walls with charcoal and sap. I moved to the big city of Toronto, and when I finally recovered from the culture shock and shook the birch bark out of my rats nest of a hair-do, I attended Sheridan College and got myself a degree in Illustration with the nerdbiskit Queen herself. Since then, I draw wieners and boobies and butts for myself and others. I’ve had my work in galleries, newspapers, magazines, on t-shirts, pinned to backpacks, stuck on urinals, and posted all over the internet. Not bad for a Thunder Bay troglodyte, am I right?

So like, how come and stuff?

Vicki: I am totally hooked on making people laugh andor tugging their collars awkwardly and backing away slowly. It makes my day when I get to watch people giggle while reading my terrible comics, and I love sharing them with all of my friends. Lately, I’ve been finding comics the most rewarding. All the friends I have made in the community are totes amazing, and it really makes it all worth while. Well, besides drawing more wieners than ever before.

What’s you’re dealio? Why do you think you’re so special, huh? Eff!

Vicki: Well jeebs! I just like to have fun! Whether it’s a freelance gig or a short comic, I really like to put my own dirty spin on things. If I’m not enjoying it, or laughing at it when it’s done, then golly jeez, it’s not really worth it.

What/who is your inspiration?

Vicki: There are tons of people and mediums that I draw inspiration from. I love Ralph Steadman, Harmony Korine, Werner Herzog, Michael Deforge, Nicolas Presl, Johnny Ryan, Wes Anderson, and all kinds of other talented folk. I really encourage googling some of these names if you don’t know them. Thems be some cool dudes. And I can’t forget about all the AMAZING ladies in comics who inspire me every day to keep on it. Super chicks like Kate Beaton, Jess Fink, Emily Carroll, Meredith Gran, amongst many MANY others.

You like stuff, don’t you?

Vicki: Of course I do! I like jokes, David Duchovny, Dylan McKay, upper lip sweat, fish tacos, dates (the kind that you eat, and the kind that you go on), cheap ballpoint pens, a cup of hot tea with lemon, loud farts, and pie.

So like, what’s your history with that dang Lisa Bell woman?

Vicki: As I mentioned earlier, Lisa and I met in those crazy college days. We went to parties and drank in parking lots and made more boner jokes than anyone who ever existed before. I think her mustachio obsession is very becoming, I think she looks best with a little upper lip coifiture. Speaking of which, there was once a time when Lisa would cut my hair for me and wear my rats nest clippings as real human hair mustaches. Perhaps it was a sign of the wonderful furry things to come…

That about wraps it up! Learn more about this talented wiener drawer via the links below!

xoxoxo Lisa

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GUEST BLOGGER: Freelance Make Up Artist – Kristen Harper

Freelance Make-up Artist, Miss Kristen Harper

This Wednesday, I would like to welcome Miss Kristen Harper, a lovely and talented freelance make up artist! I met her a few years back, when she hired me to take her place as a visual merchandiser. She left some pretty big shoes to fill, but I did my best and she was an excellent trainer. I’m excited to see how well she’s doing with her freelance work, and can’t wait to hire her for my wedding one day! (Hopefully this happens before I’m too old and wrinkly, though I’m sure she would make me look fantastic even if I am) 🙂

She does fantastic work, and I love the amount of creativity she puts into her photoshoots! My favourite was Twisted Disney – make sure you take a peek after you read the interview! ❤ ENJOY!

nerdbiskit: So, what’s the story? Who are you, and what do you do? How did it all start? Short bio!

Kristen: My name is Kristen Harper and I am a Makeup Artist. I guess it all started when I was a kid. I would spend my days drawing pictures and cutting out images of celebrities from every magazine I could find for inspiration. I used to get into my mothers makeup and perform makeovers on the neighbourhood kids. Once I started wearing makeup, I decided to be really creative with it which resulted in many strange looks from my classmates. When it was time to go to college I decided to take a makeup course to improve my skills. I excelled in all of my courses and started to work professionally following my graduation. Over the past few years as a Freelance Artist, I have worked on many weddings, photoshoots and short films.

nerdbiskit: Why do you do it?

Kristen: Because there’s nothing better than the feeling you get when you help make someone feel great about themselves! Plus it’s like playing with Barbies everyday! I love it! I get to be creative and display my artwork on my clients faces everyday!

nerdbiskit: What’s unique about you and what you do? What sets you apart from the pack?

Kristen: I’ve been told by many photographers that my application skills make me unique. It is very important to me that skin still looks like skin. I don’t think anybody should ever look overly made up. Over the years I’ve perfected my technique of making my makeup look flawless in person and in photographs. I don’t think there are any rules to makeup. I believe being yourself makes you the perfect artist. No artist should ever try to be like another artist.

nerdbiskit: What/who is your inspiration?

Kristen: Everything inspires me! I find inspiration in anything that grabs my attention. I’m always getting random photoshoot ideas from watching TV, reading magazines or just walking down the street. I read a lot about other Makeup Artists and how they got started. They inspire me to never give up and continue to work hard to try and get my name out there!

nerdbiskit: What are some of your favourite things? (To do, to eat, to think about, etc.)

Kristen: I am addicted to movies and celebrities. It’s quite the obsession! I am in love with everything vintage and truly think I was meant to grow up in the 50’s! I like to read every free chance I get and draw in my sketch book. Most people know me for my ice cream obsession. I can eat ice cream all day, every day. My favourite is Super Kid from Laura Secord.

nerdbiskit: How do you know Lisa Bell of nerdbiskit? Do you think her mustache obsession is a little ridiculous? Do you have any cool stories you’d like to share?

Kristen: I first met Lisa a few years ago when I worked at a clothing store. I interviewed her to take my position in the store. She seemed like she would be a perfect fit because of her creativity. Eventually we both had to move on to start our artistic careers!

I’ve been watching Lisa’s business grow and think it’s pretty awesome what a little mustache can do!

nerdbiskit: That about wraps it up! Check out more of this fantastic lady’s work via the links below – perhaps even hire her for your own wedding! 😀



xoxoxox Lisa

And here’s The Daily Dress:

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